Transition Advert Request

A few submissions so far, in order of appearance:

It's really simple... we need transition clips for an advertisement!

You are here because we need your help! If you follow the directions below, and we choose your video to be part of our advert... you get a FREE small heart ring light!!!


Step 1: Get your Kawaii Lighting ring light ready to record.

Step 2: Record in HORIZONTAL (LANDSCAPE) we know TikToks are vertical... this is not TikTok lol... really, if you shoot it vertical we cannot use it.

Step 3: Shoot your first transition with NO Kawaii Lighting... make sure it's BAD LIGHTING! You should start the clip with a transition (in the example above we use a hand for some transitions and hair for another transitions) you can get as creative as you want, but also... SIMPLE is great. Remember start and end each clip with the camera covered somehow so we can cut it all together. Clip should be around 2 seconds.

Step 4: Shoot your second transition with your Kawaii Lighting turned on! This should showcase how great you look with your Kawaii Lighting!!! Again, start and end this clip with a transition. Clip should be around 2 seconds.

Step 5: (if your light does RGB, if not skip this step) Shoot your third transition with your Kawaii Lighting turned to your favorite one color. Don't use DJ/Disco mode. Just pick one color. And again... start and end this clip with a transition (hand covering the camera or hair swipe or something else creative). Clip should be around 2 seconds.

Step 6: Upload your clips to THIS DROPBOX REQUEST FOLDER no later than Friday, August 27th at 1pm PST. If you cannot use Dropbox you can email the clips to but the deadline is still Friday, August 27th at 1pm PST. Make sure to name your files with your name in them so we know who's clips are who's. The clips can be uploaded as individual clips or edited together as one file or you can upload the entire video you shot and we will edit it.

Step 7: After you successfully upload your clips send us an email to letting up know who you are and what clips you uploaded.

Step 8: If your clips are selected to be in our advert we will email you back right away with a model release. Once you sign the release we will process your order for your FREE small heart ring  light!

We are really excited to see what you come up with.

NOTE: Don't over think it, even simple clips are going to make it in the final video. Of course we love creativity so do your best if you have time to and the earlier you submit the more likely you are to be chosen!